Green great far trade limited company
This company gets up from the founding date, receives benefits the society humanist. Under company staff all over the body cooperation, will complete a foothold this company to face actual the future the modernized company. The main management agricultural product or the intensive processing agricultural product, as well as the present is developing livestock product.
The company is situated is having rich ancient civilization Henan Fengqiu County Huang De zhen. Here people plain industrious, has the honest natural disposition, treats both the young and the old honestly, is you feels relieved the investment cooperation the ideal region. We believed your I hand in hand will describe an epoch-making rural economy myth
- 【公司名称】 绿色宏远贸易有限公司
- 【企业类型】 代理商
- 【企业法人】 张国征
- 【注册时间】 2000-03-17
- 【商标名称】
- 【公司注册资金】
- 【公司经济性质】 集体企业
- 【主要市场】 全国
- 【开户银行】
- 【银行账户】
- 【经营品牌】 绿色宏远
- 【公司地址所在省市】 河南 新乡 封丘县城关镇文化路三组
- 【详细地址】 河南 新乡 封丘县城关镇文化路三组
- 【企业标签】 河南食品厂家